Last few days, a friend of mine told me that she & her bf already broke up. Hah? Unexpected cause they seems like a lovely couple forever n whatsoever lah! Well, we cant predict our future kan? So, I hope she have a strong heart to go on with her life, and she did! Ok, that's not the point. After days, she told me that her ex-bf, already date with someone else! Huh? What the??? Geram sungguh. My friend ni sebok2 la sedey2 kan, but that guy bersuka ria je rupenye. Hmmm.. I feel sorry for her, but, what can I do? Just be a good listener je lah. She need someone to talk to, and I'll be there. Always. Promise.
Tibe2 plak teringat my past love story. Ceritanye lebih kurang je. Another girl come up and destroy a relationship that we built. Huh. Tapi kan, I dont think that a word 'perampas' tu wujud. Mungkin jugak salah manusia (i mean, our partner) tu yg sgt mengade sampai hati bole berubah. Kan? Cause if they love us so much, dyorg ni x kan berubah hati biar lah pompuan cantek mnepon menjelma. Penat saya menangis, saya mengharap, hope that he will come back to me. Bodo kan saya? Saya tggu dye. Tunggu. Tunggu, dan tunggu lagi. Lama. Lama sgt. Dye x dtg2. Jahatnye. Jahat sgt..Ok, enough with this. No more pain. Yes, time is a great healer. It almost 3 years dah pon, and I already forget him. Forget ok, not forgive. I have a new life now. Far away from him.
Ok, and my friend tuh akhirnye sedar yg dye x sepatutnye sedey lagi mcm dulu. Betoi2. Bagus! Currently she seems happy and try to erase all past memories. Setuju! Life must go on kan? Biarkan mereka. Jgn amek peduli. There must be someone else who meant to be yours. Jgn risau.
c i n t a : l a w a t a n
Haaa, last saturday hari tuh, me, farah, hana, and hawa pegi upnm. Melawat our lovers nih. Beli banyak2 makanan utk dyorg. Best! Hehe.. Dan what the most happening is, I meet my new friends. Hana and Hawa. Act, x de la baru sgt kami jd kwn, da lme da. Almost 1 year. Tapi ni baru 1st time jumpe. Hee.. Tapi kami sgt kecoh mcm kwn lame n da bese jmpe plak. Soo... happening! Kami berempat masing2 melawat en.askar kami, En.Hifzan, Azizul, Hasnul and Fikri. Dan, hopefully lps ni kteorg bole jmpe lagi. =)
En.askar saya always remind me : dont forget to write about us. Eeee.. Ngade2 nye. Gedik lah! Hehe.. Act, there's nothing much to say bout us, but I truly hope that after all the pain that I've gone through, he is the last one for me. InsyaALLAH. I've done enough. Please, dont give me pain anymore.Thanks for always being by my side, en.hifzan. =)
He's now trying so hard to get fit as required by upnm. No more rice : welcome vegetarian! He's starving. I know that. That's nothing much i can do. Opss.. ade2. He ask me to cook 'something' so that he can eat it with bread. Hanya tu je yg mampu. Aduh, kesiannye. Nway, ika hearts you, hifzan. And miss u badly.
Love ya!
-farah, awe, ika, hana-
-kami lah-
-en.hifzan & cik ika-